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How To Sing Better

How to Sing Better.

Not all people can have the perfect singing voice, but the good thing is that you can easily improve your singing voice using a couple of tips. There are many people who have been able to improve their voice without having to go for expensive singing lessons. With the right approach, you will have an easy time, and you will even enjoy the process. Below are some great tips that will go a long way.


You must have a good posture if you want to sing. Your back should be straight whether you are standing or sitting down. You should avoid tilting your body towards one side or the other. Your head should not be tipped back or forward. When finding the right posture, ensure you are feeling comfortable, or else it will affect your singing.


Practice breathing from your diaphragm. Breathing is one of the most important aspects of singing. When breathing, ensure you are taking air from the diaphragm instead of the chest. Your abdomen should expand when you breathe instead of the chest. If you want to know whether you are breathing the right way, ascend a scale and see if you push down on the diaphragm and release it when you go down the scale. Being able to support your voice with the diaphragm is an important key to singing.

Open your vowel

A good way to improve your singing is by opening your vowels. This is referred to as open throat technique. Start by saying “uh” or “ah”. You should elongate the mouth without widening it. You are looking to separate the tongue from the soft palette and keep them separated while singing. The tongue should be against the bottom jaw.

Tilt your chin down

When you want to sing the higher notes and trying to get power, ensure you have your chin pointed downwards. You will notice that the head tends to move as you hit higher notes, and this can cause some problems to the vocal cords. When you have your chin facing downwards, you will have more control and voice power.

Extend Your vocal range

You will need to first find your vocal range before you can think about extending it. Once you have found your vocal range, you can then start the process of increasing it, and you must have a proper technique. You can do it full step or half step at a time. Practice using shorter scales and get comfortable with the new note before you can start to push it lower or higher. The safest way to do this is by taking lessons from a vocal coach.

Transition between the different voice areas

The voice is made up of three areas; the head register, the chest register, and the middle register. Moving between the different areas will change the resonance of your voice. Practicing how to control the areas will improve your singing.  When you are new to singing – it can be tricky and takes a lot of practice.  Here’s a website that has some great free online singing lessons for beginners!

Drink water

Water will help in keeping the vocal chords moist and fluid so that they can close and open more easily. You can also opt for decaffeinated, unsweetened, and nonalcoholic beverages. The drink should be lukewarm. Too cold or too hot will do a lot of damage to your singing voice.

Practice daily

If you want to improve your singing voice, you will have to regularly train your voice. This will require a high degree of commitment. Doing the exercises a couple times a week will not make a significant difference. Do it every single day. Always warm up before you can begin to exercise your vocals.

With the right voice coach and the above tips, you should be able to see some improvements within a short period of time.

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Hey Everybody!  Cab20 Music is back up and ready to rock!  We’re gonna be bringing you all kinds of cool things: Music. Singing. Playing. Life.  We want you to be able to turn up the volume and find stuff on things you care about in your chase to be free and have fun.  Check back soon for what we got!
